Thursday 1 November 2012

Happy Hallowe'en- Thrifty-Style

I just read a very interesting article on the amounts of money people are spending on Halloween.
'Some shoppers told CBC News they plan to spend as much as $200 on the occasion this year. Consolidated Credit Counseling Services of Canada estimates Canadians spent more than $1.5 billion on Halloween last year.'
Now, I really enjoy dressing myself and my boys up as much as anyone else, but personally I think that is a bit much.
Maybe it's just me?
This year I spent nothing on our costumes. I borrowed mine from my sister, my youngest wore a hand-me down costume and my oldest actually wore his pyjamas as a costume.
Happy Halloween

He actually had a mask given to him by his Grandmother, but didn't want to wear it

Costume- borrowed from sister

Yes, his pyjama top actually has a cape

My boys with my friend's girls. She spent a grand total of $7 on each of their costumes


My little guy's hand-me-down pumpkin costume
By borrowing, thrifting and re-using we can have a very Happy Halloween- without breaking the bank. 
Happy November 1st everyone- hope you men out there are growin' those 'staches! :)
Oh....and if you simply must wear a new costume every year- now is the best time to run to Value Village and get your costume for next year:
Halloween Red Tag CLEARANCE EVENT!
Nov 1 - 2, 2012
Get 50% OFF
Nov 3 - 4, 2012
Get 75% OFF



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