Monday 21 January 2013

Melissa's Best Thrifting Tips

Still finding the whole idea of thrifting a wee bit daunting? Feeling like you just don't even know where to start?  Well, I will share some of my secrets that I have learned myself- through trial and error- over the years....

Melissa's Best Thrifting Tips

*1.  Decide on your 'Thrifting Outfit'. This is SO VERY important on those 50% off days when the store is crammed with people and there is an hour-long line-up at the change-rooms. Mine will always consist of leggings (which I can easily slips pants or skirts over), or a skirt with tights (for the same reason) and a tank top (depending on the season, I may have a sweater over top...). The tank allows me to throw tops on and off without needing a change-room. Clever, yes?

An example of one of my thrifting outfits. Tights and Tank? Check and Check. This outfit mentioned here.

*2. DO NOT stick to only one size. This rule took me a while to figure out. I have found that NOT ONLY do different sizes from different stores fit oh-so-differently, but also second-hand clothing has been laundered and has possibly shrunk a tiny bit. The other reason that I like to check all sizes is you can always 'CINCH-IT' (ALWAYS reminds me of the SNL Gap sketch, lol) with a fabulous belt if it is on the large size. Or lastly, you may find a fabulous outfit for dirt-cheap that you can take to a tailor, and still end up with money in your wallet.

This dress is a perfect example of  checking the racks that are out of your size range. It is one of my favourite dresses and is a size 22!! But I saw potential in cinching it in with a stretchy belt. Love it. 

*3.  I mentioned in my first point about 50% OFF DAYS. Go. Every time. To every store that has them. You will thank me.

*4. Go with a certain outfit in mind. This is extremely important for those of you that get overwhelmed at the THOUGHT of digging through racks and racks of clothing and accessories. Start slow. Ease in with one outfit that you would like to create. That being said, have a BIT of an open mind- you may not find that EXACT coral and black scarf, but you may find a similar one in teal.

A great example of  shopping with a specific look in mind.  You can check out this outfit's post here.

*5. Frequent the smaller Thrift Shops. Of course, if I am in a rush- I will run into one of the larger shops (Value Village, Talize)and make a quick run-through. But, their prices are higher for the luxury of being able to be in and out in 10 minutes. They pay their staff to come in early each day to stock and organize the racks. BUT the smaller shops (Bibles for Missions, Salvation Army) - although more time-consuming- WILL have the BEST deals. It takes longer to dig through, but if your goal is to save money, you will win big.  

Well friends, I hope this list encourages you to give thrifting a try. Your wallet, your planet, and your global community will thank you.

Love to all.


  1. There is another thrift store opening in Hamilton. the re-source thrift shop on 625 Greenhill. Not sure when it is opening.

    1. Yay, that's great to know! I'll have to find out the info! Thanks

  2. Great tips!! If I'm in a hurry, I don't usually look at the pants section (because I'm really picky about pants), but I definitely wear a tank or a small tshirt and try on shirts in front of a mirror. So does my mom! We are seasoned thrifters!


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