Friday 19 August 2016

Back To School Thrifting- 13 Items For $30

Again, this is a time in my life when I will be unable to post as often as I would like. 

I have purchased a detached home that needs a lot of love (work), and will be moving in the next few weeks.

I promise to keep you updated on the recycled/ reclaimed items that I will find and use around my new place...and also post about day to day thrifting as often as I can.

I've been so busy with the sale of my home that I almost missed National Thrift Day!!! I mean, that is crazy. I probably enjoy that day more than my own birthday...for real...

On my way home from work Wednesday night, I was about to leave Waterdown, ON when I remembered that Value Village was having a 50% off sale to celebrate National Thrift Day. I quickly ran into Waterdown's Value Village at 830pm and decided that I would just focus on my oldest son's back to school wardrobe. My middle and youngest are quite well stocked with hand-me-down's anyway.

In a flurry, I picked up 13 items and was pleasantly surprised when the cashier asked for $30.05.

Here is what my 30 bucks got me:

A fall jacket (London Fog).

2 hoodies.
 2 pairs of jeans. 

2 pairs of shorts.


5 long-sleeved T-shirts.
1 short-sleeved T-shirt.

There you have it, friends. Save money, recycle, and get a new wardrobe for your child for $30.

I just wish that I had remembered to look for shoes....


Monday 8 August 2016

My Thrifted Backyard Oasis Chandelier

Now that I am a single mom again, I do relish the ability to make things girly and pretty around my home.

I really wanted to add a relaxing backyard oasis feeling to my kijiji-ed plastic patio furniture.

First off, I knew that I wanted some light and airy curtains. I had a set of those white mosquito-type netting curtains that I have seriously had in my possession FOREVER. Since I haven't bought anything at Ikea in about- oh, 5 years or so- I don't even remember what my plan was for them. But I still held on to them.

Then I found a matching set at Bibles For Missions Thrift Shop. They had priced each panel at $4.00, and I was quite happy with that. 

I attached them to my portable sun cover with some twine and I feel like it dressed it up significantly.

I then headed over to the Re-Source Thrift Shop
to look for a chandelier. Partly because I've seen a good selection of lighting there, and partly because it is the closest thrift shop to me.

I found this 'vintage' (a nice way of saying ugly??) light fixture for $12.00. I figured if I removed most of the busyness of it- it would do what I needed it to do. And that was just look pretty.

And after I had taken off the outer 'shell', given it a couple of coats of white spray paint, and cut off the wires (since I had absolutely no way of hooking it up to an electrical source anywhere in my backyard) I was extremely pleased with the result.

I attached the base of the light to my sun cover with white zip ties- which did the trick nicely.

But when I reattached the chandelier to the base, I realized that it, unfortunately, sat way too high.

So out I ran to Home Depot. I picked up some white links and presto, with a bit of elbow grease- I think my backyard Oasis is complete.

Thanks for reading, friends!


100 Days Sober

*Trigger Warning. Sexual Assault Content * Today I'm 100 days sober. Getting sober has definitely caused me to dig deep, wit...