Wednesday 23 October 2013

There's Something New In The Never New Household....

Approximately 9 weeks ago, I got the shock of my life. I was going to have another baby.

Yes...I'll give you a moment. It is a LOT to take in.

Ready to hear more? Alrighty....

Obviously, for those that know me, this is a less-than-ideal situation- to say the least.

When I first found out, I immediately went into planning mode. I will need a bigger car! I can't fit 3 car seats in my beloved Civic! Done. Bought myself a 2009 Mazda5, and am thrilled with it so far.

I would need a bigger house! Done. I purchased an older, semi-detached condo and will be relocating at the end of January.

With all of the 'business-end' and planning taken care of, I have been forced to recently let it all sink in and let the emotions take over.

Human beings make mistakes. Every day. All the time. This is an absolute truth.

But I believe with just as much certainty that human beings are NOT mistakes. Ever.

Especially after everything that I went through to have my boys. I struggled through IVF and the gut-wrenching, heartbreaking reality of that for years.

 After a ridiculous amount of money, Naturopathy, acupuncture, vitamins, surgeries, as well as the never-ending emotional roller coaster- I had my 2 amazing boys and felt that I was more than blessed.

So, how can I see this life as anything less than that? It is a tremendous blessing.

There is a song that we sing frequently at my church and it keeps running through my head this week. It says:

"We are the saints, we are the children,
We've been redeemed, we've been forgiven
We are the sons and daughters of our God"

I have faith that my mistakes have been forgiven. I believe that I have been redeemed.

And, I believe that there is an unbelievable plan for this little life that is growing inside of me.

And, I will try my best to be the best mother that I can be. And, I will mess up. But, I will find redemption once again.

Thanks for reading, friends.

Oh, and I will be posting my thrifted maternity outfits in the months to come!

Peace and blessings.


  1. Loved this post. You are so right, Melissa. It's a blessing, and this baby inside you is destined for amazing, miraculous things! xoxo

  2. beautiful words melis. eloquent & truthful. i love you! xx.


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