Saturday 6 July 2013

In My Madrid Closet

I fancy myself somewhat of a light packer. Partly because, if I can- I will try to get away with only carry-on luggage... Partly because I need room in my suitcase for the thrift shopping that I will inevitably do wherever I am travelling to.

When I went to Madrid for the week, I packed a couple of skirts, a few tanks, 4 dresses, 2 sweaters and a pair of leggings. As well as 2 pairs of sandals (one dressy, one casual) and a pair of sneakers. That ended up being MORE than enough...especially after I went thrifting around the city. You can read more about that here.

Here are some of the thrifted outfits that were in my Spanish Closet:

This photo was taken pretty much the moment that I arrived in Madrid.  My go-to travelling outfit is leggings (SO comfy!!), a couple of tanks (I also wore the one hanging behind me), and some sneakers. I also carry a sweater or 2 in case I get a bit chilly on the plane.

Leggings- $5.99 Value Village 
Tank- $4.99 Value Village
Hanging tank- $5.99 Talize

I wore this dress to one of the conference dinners that I attended. I snapped up this dress at a Bibles For Missions $1 Sale!

I wore this just meandering around the city one day. It was one of my thrifting days, I believe.

Maxi skirt- $6.99 Talize (also seen here)
Pink lace tank- $3 Plato's Closet

I bought this dress while I was thrifting in Madrid. I absolutely fell in love with it. I wore it out one night for tapas.

Cobalt Blue Maxi Dress- 3,95 Euros Humana

I wore this dress out to the conference's Gala Dinner. They had flamenco dancers and it was a fabulous night of food, wine and dancing.

Dress- $7.50 Talize (also seen here)

This was another dress that I picked up while thrifting in Madrid. I then wore it out one day, when I had planned to see the Dali exhibit at the Reina Sofia Museum. But I didn't make it to the museum in time to see it that day. :(

Dress- 3,95 Euros (also seen here

To know me is to know this maxi dress. It is my favourite, go-to dress. It WAS my "2nd-date" dress. I love this dress. AND, it was given to me by my sister, so it was FREE. LOVE.

This is what I wore to dinner on my 'bonus night' in Madrid. My flight got cancelled and the airline put me up in a beautiful hotel for the night with a was amazing.

Lace Tank- $3 Plato's Closet
Skirt- $5.99 Value Village (also seen here)

What a wonderful, fabulous trip. I definitely need to see more of Europe...maybe in November...????

Thanks for stopping in and reading about my Spanish Closet, friends!


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