Wednesday 29 May 2013

In My Closet- My New NEON Pink Tank

Goodness gracious it has just been one of those days.... You all know what I'm referring to by THOSE days, yes??

Murphy's Law seemed to be in full effect today. For example, early in the afternoon I talked to a friend about putting our boys in the same soccer league. After quickly discussing it with my son's father I logged on to the site to register him. was full. He was on the waiting list.

After numerous phone calls and texts I got him in at the last minute and after scarfing down dinner and hurrying down there, I sat for 10 minutes at the WRONG school.

FINALLY I got him to the correct place and got him into his uniform (which he is SWIMMING in because they only have Adult size Small left- in a kid's league) he absolutely refuses to play. Of course.

I'm not proud of how I finally got him on that field (ahem- bribed with ice cream), but he DID play and he DID have fun. Whew!

So, knowing early on this morning that it was turning out to BE one of THOSE days- I should not have been surprised when I went to take some photos of my new neon tank and they would NOT work. At all.

They all looked like this:

Which I think looks kind of cool- but you wouldn't be able to really see my outfits- and be able to judge whether you like them or not.

SO, I decided to lug my honking HUGE mirror out to the backyard.

Anyone who was outside today can attest to the fact that the humidity was at approximately 110% today... You can actually SEE my face get shinier and my hair get frizzier and bigger with each photo taken. Now- that is REAL blogging commitment right there. ;)

All that to say- here are some ways that I plan to wear my new-to-me neon pink tank:

PLEASE try to ignore the kiddie's finger smears all over the mirror that somehow I didn't notice until I uploaded the photos. of THOSE days...

Tank- $5.60 Plato's Closet
Maxi- $6.99 Value Village
Cross Necklace- $2 Plato's Closet
Strappy Sandals- $8 Plato's Closet

Black Leggings- $7.99 Value Village
Leopard Print Sweater- Has been in my closet FOREVER (also seen here

Black Skirt-$5.99 Value Village (also seen here)
Chambray Top- Not sure...thrifted by it

And finally Neon pink with my black sequined skirt- of COURSE!! ;)

Sequin Skirt- $6.99 Salvation Army Thrift Shop (also seen here)

Well, thankfully I CAN look back on today (now that I have a glass of wine in hand) and realize as tired, frustrated and pull-my-hair-out-bonkers that I felt today- I am SO enormously blessed. Sometimes I do get wrapped up in my First-World Problems

Don't we all??

By the way- a new Plato's Closet consignment shop just opened in Hamilton!! Be sure to check it out!!

Blessings, friends.


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