Monday 25 March 2013

Shirt? Dress? Both!!

I am a HUGE fan of clothes that can do double-duty. Well, truth be told, I LOVE anything that can serve more than one function. Like the furniture in my house- nothing really ever remains being used in it's traditional purpose forever... 

So, that's why I was very excited to come across this top....Or, is it a dress??

Could be either. For now- in chilly Canada- it will serve me as a fun little top. In a couple of weeks, when I head down to Puerto Plata- it will most definitely be a dress. How great is that? And at $5.99...well, it just can't be beat!

Top/Dress- $5.99 Talize 
Leggings- $4.99 Value Village

I didn't realize this was so apologies..

Cardigan- FREE at Clothing Swap (Also seen here)

Purse- $4.99 Salvation Army Thrift Shop (also seen here and here)
Boots- referenced here 
Bangle- Value Village
Beaded Bracelet- Just One  'world changing fashion'

Happy Thrifting, friends!

I've said it before, but is anyone else LONGING for spring? I guess I really can't complain, when I will soon be relaxing on a beach...sorry about that... ;)


Wednesday 20 March 2013

Feeling Blue- Cobalt Blue

Another colour that I never used to give a second-glance to is blue. It has always been a shade that I was not interested in, whether it be for decorating, clothing or accessories.

But now I have discovered cobalt blue and have fallen desperately in love. 

What a colour. I would venture to say this shade would look good on all ethnicity's, all hair colours, all skin colours, everyone.

And if it's to bold a colour for you, you could easily find it now in a clutch, or some jewellery- just to add a bit of fabulous-ness to your spring wardrobe.

Or, getting married this summer? Make Cobalt your 'something blue' and add a pop of gorgeous-ness with some pumps or a hairpiece.

(All photos from Pinterest)

I have already picked up a couple of tops in this gorgeous colour- one blouse was $1!!!! (photos to come). And am on the hunt for a clutch or a bangle in this hue as well.

Happy Thrifting, all! Thanks for checking in.


Monday 11 March 2013

For The Home- My Completely FREE Home Makeover.

This past weekend I tackled my home. I have been living here since May, and have been waiting to get it to the layout that I have been wanting since then. I chose a place with 3 bedrooms, not so that the boys could each have a room, but so that they could have a playroom to contain their mess. :)

Since my youngest was under a year old, however, I didn't feel they could share a room just yet. So, the playroom got set up in my Dining Room. Which meant that all the mess continually made it's way into my Living Room. 

This weekend I decided they were ready. Or, maybe it was ME that was ready... 

I must mention, I did NOT purchase anything (new OR thrifted) for this task. That is a very nice feeling, I must say. :)

Here are some pics of how it all turned out:

My bulletin board is an old shutter that I picked up at Mr. Used. I found that painting at an Art Crawl. I LOVE it. <3  This dresser I found on the side of the road next to my friend's house. The 2 bottom drawers were broken, but that is a perfect spot to tuck the footstool for when the kids want to help in the kitchen.

 I love this poster. SO much.

I picked up these chairs from Kijiji. My boys love them as much as I loved mine as a kid. :)

I reused the inside of my son's Lego Advent Calendar to organize all of the tiny little pieces that he can never find when he wants them. 

Toy cupboards were found at various thrift shops and garage sales.

 Book shelves found on kijiji and at a thrift shop.

This table was given to me from a friend who no longer needed it. The chairs are from my sister. This bench is years and years old- it has been repurposed from a coffee table, to a night stand to Dining Room seating. :)

My chalkboard  is years old. I love that I can change up what it says, depending on my mood. These frames were found on kijiji or were gifts from friends.

Please ignore the fact that I still need to fill the frames with some actual photos. 

My Living Room  set-up is very similar to how I had it previously , I just switched around the couches.

I think having the lower futon here opens the room up a lot more. 

Well, that was my weekend, friends. I feel happy with all that I accomplished, but a little sad that I missed out a beautiful day yesterday.

I encourage you all to look at the things you have and to try repurposing them as other things. Benches can be coffee tables as well as seating, bookshelves can be used as night stands, and you can try using dressers in the kitchen...

Thanks for stopping in,


Thursday 7 March 2013

In My Closet- GREY!...and Animal Print....

It is a GREY day out there today, yes? If you are in the GTA, it is grey, cloudy, rainy, snowy, hail-y, and miserable.

So, I figured it was the PERFECT day to post this very grey outfit.

As I've said before, there was a time in my life when all I owned was grey and black. Maybe there was a little bit of white mixed in there, too. I feel that I do now gravitate away from those shades and into some brighter, more uplifting colours. BUT, those shades will always be a staple in my wardrobe. Always need some neutrals on hand... and unlike my friend Leanne, I do NOT like oatmeal (as a neutral OR a breakfast food)...

And, as I've also said before, I am warming up to wearing animal print. I feel oh-so-Kim-Kardashian in it, haha.

 (Yes, those ARE my little men's legs in the background...)

Black Tank- $5.99 Value Village TBay
Grey Shorts- $3.99 Value Village TBay
Animal Print Sweater- Years and years old (also seen here)
Black booties- $9.99 Talize

So, I guess some days I want to wear bright purple tights when it's miserable outside, and some days I want to blend in to the weather and wear greys.

Well, have a great weekend friends...I realize that it is ONLY Thursday, but I am going to lock myself in this home and do some major cleaning, moving and shifting around. There will likely be a post to follow on that. :)


Friday 1 March 2013

Feeling A Bit Of 'Mint-spiration'

For those of you that know me well, or even not-so-well, you can probably attest to my slight Pinterest addiction.  I can spend hours upon hours searching through different pins, as well as finding new 'Pinners' to follow.

Lately, there seems to be a recurring theme for Spring Fashions. MINT. Now, if you had asked me a season ago if I liked the colour mint, I would've said "Meh- it's not my favourite". But, now that I've been seeing it used in so many CUTE outfits and accessories, I'm kind of feeling inspired to search for a couple items in this colour.

What IS the colour MINT- exactly? Well, one website describes it as:

"a variable color averaging a light green that is bluer 

and stronger than variscite green and paler 

and very slightly yellower than serpentine". 

Personally I like to think of it as kind of a 'Pastel-Teal' colour. But however you look at it, I do believe that Mint is a colour that deserves a second thought...

What do you think??

(All photos found on Pinterest)

So...are YOU 'Mint-spired' (patent-pending, lol) as well, yet?

I'm definitely going to keep my eyes open for some mint-coloured items to be adding to my closet in the near future.

Happy weekend, friends! And happy thrifting!

100 Days Sober

*Trigger Warning. Sexual Assault Content * Today I'm 100 days sober. Getting sober has definitely caused me to dig deep, wit...