Friday 26 April 2019

Somtimes Tuesdays Feel Like Mondays

I hope everyone enjoyed their (hopefully) long weekend last weekend and had time with loved ones celebrating Easter!

When I was heading out the door on Tuesday, I was feeling like I had it all together, considering that it was a Monday! It wasn't until later that morning I realized that it was actually Tuesday. Some days are just like that, haha.

BUT, I wanted to share this outfit because as I headed out, I realized that it was half FREE!

I also wish that I could have gotten my grey booties in the photo because I love them AND they were $7.99!

Purse: $12.99 Value Village
Black Tee: $4.99 Talize
Black Jacket: $12.99 Talize
Scarf: Christmas Gift from my step-daughter
Dark Wash Jeans: Castoff from a friend

 I realized that I do not wear this scarf enough! I absolutely love it!

Decided on Hazelnut LipSense (one of my ride or dies) and some Seafoam Shimmer ShadowSense on my eyes.

Thanks for reading!

 I have ONE Seafoam Shimmer in stock if you'd like to snag it! Check out other beauty tips/ tricks in my VIP Beauty Group: 

Have a great weekend, friends!


Monday 8 April 2019

Thrifting For My Senegence Seminar

The other day a friend asked me if I was still thrifting.

It surprised me, actually. OF COURSE I'm still thrifting.

When you have a value that is SUCH a huge part of you- I don't know how I could ever go back to my old ways!

I thrift for SO many reasons. For one thing, I do it for the earth- I can't stand how much waste we as North Americans make. I refuse to contribute to the 'disposable' mentality that we are encouraged to live by. The FAST FASHION movement is one of the worst movements for our planet. BUT, I won't get into a rant over that today. 

But her comment did make me realize that I obviously am not sharing my thrifting finds the way that I used to - And I pledge to get better at that again. This blog needs some serious cleaning up- and I WILL get to it. Hopefully soon.

My recent thrifting trips have been looking for clothing for my upcoming SeneGence Seminar in Calgary, AB.

We are asked to wear "Seneblue" (Cobalt Blue) business attire to the sessions and we have 2 evenings where we need to dress up.

I do have a number of things to wear, but I did need some shoes. My absolute FAVOURITE booties that I thrifted years ago broke on me. I will definitely fix them (NOT disposable in my mind), but I wouldn't be able to get them fixed by Wednesday when I leave.

I found some really cute beaded black pumps, a pair of nude pumps, a clutch, some fip-flops (since mine broke in the Dominican in January) and a blazer that I am in love with!

And I got ALL of those items for under $40!

Here is my haul:

 I am REALLY in love with these beaded black pumps. 
Just a hint of the 80's but oh so glam.

Pumps: Talize $9.99

I am always on the hunt for a pair of nude pumps. So happy that I found a pair to bring with me to Calgary! And this clutch was too cute to leave behind!

Pumps: Talize $14.99
Clutch: Talize $3.99

I'm very picky when it comes to blazers. They're usually too tight in the arms or too loose in the waist area. I don't want to look boxy.

This blazer is perfect. AND it was $7.99. 

And yes, I needed some flip-flops for the hot tub (assuming there will be one- I should probably double-check on that! Haha.

Pretty sure these were brand new and were $1.99. 

I do realize, of course, that Old Navy sells some for dirt cheap, but I would much rather save a pair from the landfill than buy from them. Also, I strongly disagree in the manner that they run their company/ have their clothing made- so I won't buy from them (and many other companies).

So there you have it. My pretty sweet scores for under $40! I'm pretty pleased.

Thanks so much for reading! Enjoy your Monday!


100 Days Sober

*Trigger Warning. Sexual Assault Content * Today I'm 100 days sober. Getting sober has definitely caused me to dig deep, wit...