As I've mentioned before, life is busy these days.
What I have just recently realized is, when I'm feeling overwhelmed- crafting actually helps center me. Is that weird?
Not only do I feel a sense of accomplishment when I look at that creation on my wall (or wherever it ends up), I actually feel less stressed about life in general when I'm creating something. Interesting.
With that in mind, I went digging through my many planks of wood that I've traded for, saved, or rescued. I wanted to make a sign for my bathroom. The wall above the toilet was looking bare. I traded a couple of things with a friend of mine and scored a super adorable raw-wood bathroom cabinet, and decided to make a sign to go under it.
Now, I could've done any number of other things on my To-Do list for that room...painting the cabinets, putting new flooring down, painting the baseboards...but hey- I was just trying to kill some time between school assignments and bedtime.
I had seen several signs similar to the one that I ended up making on Pinterest (where else??).
I used a simple 2x6 plank. I painted it with some white primer that I had laying around. I like the look of the flat primer and think it adds to that farmhouse-type feel.
For the lettering I used a grey paint that I used to paint my stairs, and I also used it on these Christmas signs. I used a light grey paint for the corner 'squiggly' designs that I picked up in the mis-tint paints for $2. The twine I used to hang the sign I found in a box in my basement (yet another huge job...the basement...).
And here is my sign that cost me $2 to make.
Cabinet- Free (traded)
Sign- $2 and a couple of hours
(I'm really wishing that I had not taken a photo of my ugly flooring and my unpainted baseboards. Sigh...)
And there you have it friends. My DIY'ed $2 bathroom sign.
I think it's pretty swell.
Thanks for reading!