Wednesday, 23 March 2016

A Quick Video On How Cheap Clothing Is Killing The Planet

A few of my friends have tagged me in, or posted this video to my facebook timeline.

Its DEFINITELY an important one to share with everyone.

This video explains how that cheap $8 shirt takes it's toll on the environment and the workers making it.

I always say: If the price seems to good to be is. 100% of the time.

If it doesn't cost YOU, it DID cost someone:

-Their resources in the area which they live in.

-Their time away from their family (working long hours for a measly wage).

-Their health (horrendous working conditions) and in some extreme conditions, their death. Think back to the textile building collapse in Bangladesh not that long ago.


Try the options mentioned:

-Buy less

- Buy from ethical shops

-Look for durability (look for items that you will wear over and over again) 

-Don't trash it (recycle it). Donate it or turn it into rags to clean with.

- Don't wash it so often. A huge reason that clothing is such a drain on the planet and it's resources is how much water/ energy we use to wash it all. So, "Get a little dirty".

I love their ending to the video.

Remember that your $8 shirt has a lot in common with Danald Trump.

It's obnoxious.

It's bad for the environment.

And it comes in an unfortunate shade of orange.

Peace, friends.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

How To DIY This Spring's Shoulder Cut-Out Trend

If you've been seeing a lot of tops with the shoulders cut out of them-it's not seamstress-error! ;)

It's this spring's big trend- so get your beautiful shoulders on display, ladies!

Here are my favourite how-to's for repurposing a thrifted top- or one that you already own- to try out this season's fun trend.

I'm going to post them in order of easiest DIY, to most difficult (at least in my eyes).


How easy is this shoulder-cut-out DIY? Just use some scissors and some glue! You can find the whole tutorial here.

This DIY looks similar the first tutorial- although it looks like she just made a straight cut along the seam of the shoulder. Then perhaps used some thread to gather the bottom of the sleeve. So easy!

I absolutely LOVE this DIY. She simply rips the seam and sews it by hand. I love it because when the shoulder-cut-out trend is over, you can very easily re-sew the shoulder closed again! Check out the tutorial here.

This is a DIY for those wanting more of a dramatic cut-out look. She cuts out the shoulders and sews them by hand. Tutorial here

And here is a more labour-intensive DIY. Actual meaning- you need a sewing machine for this one. Its still pretty simple. Check out the tutorial here.

And here is a No-Sew Fendi-Inspired DIY video using metal studs:

Thanks for reading, friends! 

If you've been inspired, and try one of these DIY's- please share with me!!

I plan on trying the seam-ripped one, for sure!!



Tuesday, 8 March 2016

In My Closet- My Awesome, Thrifted, Acid-Wash Jeans

This past Sunday in church I received countless compliments about how great I looked. 

My self-confidence went through the roof and I just FELT great! 

The only thing I can think of for all of the compliments HAD to be my recently thrifted, flash-back-to-the-eighties, acid-wash jeans that I had on.

They ARE rather fabulous. ;)

Just had to share:

Acid-Wash Jeans- $7.99 Talize
Shirt- Cast-off from Cousin-In-Law, FREE
Grey Wool Boots- $20 Facebook Buy And Sell Group (also seen here and here

You know when you find a pair of jeans with the perfect amount of stretch, that fit you like a glove and make you feel fabulous? 

That is this pair to me. They likely bring me back to a time when acid-wash was the coolest- a simpler time for me. When all I had to worry about was getting my homework done and how I could get that cute boy in my class to like me.

I hope for all of you, my readers, that you may find that special pair of jeans as well. That make you feel SO good, that people stop and tell you how great you look. 

And I hope that you can find them thrifting. THEN the joy is even greater. At least for me. 

Peace and blessings, friends. 


Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Scarves As Shirts, Belts, And More...

A few weeks ago my friend, Danielle, texted me this photo. She said that she thought I would love it for an idea for my blog. She was right!


Is there anything quite like a scarf? We all have several, I'm sure. Different sizes, shapes, colours. 

When thrifted, you can update a simple, ordinary outfit with an on-trend scarf for just a few dollars!

I love the idea of using a long scarf as a top, like in the photo above. I also love how she made sure to keep it asymmetrical and uneven. That just adds to the casual, cool vibe.

I decided to look for other photos of scarves used as shirts. These were my favourites:

Not sure anyone other than Madonna's body would look as gorgeous in this scarf-shirt, but had to share. Also- her hair is AMAZING in this photo, no??

This is more like a kimono-type top, but I love how easy it is. Just drape a large rectangle scarf over your shoulders and belt it at the waist. 


This look is similar to the one above, but the blanket scarf has a different shape to it. It also is made from a thicker, sturdier fabric- so you end up with more of a warm-sweater-feel, rather than a light and airy feel in the middle photo above.

I also saw some great ideas for wearing scarves as belts. I did this all the time in my 20's. Perhaps its time to try this again...

I love the pop of yellow that this scarf adds to these 2 outfits. This would be an easy way to bring in the colour of the season to any outfit. 


I love this classy, dressed-up version of using a scarf for a belt. Easy and beautiful. If you used a dark scarf over a coloured dress/top, it would be quite slimming!


I thought that this scarf-belt tutorial was unique and cute. I'll have to try this! 

I also really liked this repurposing idea for scarf storage. There are ALWAYS shower curtain rings for sale at thrift shops.

And I also liked this video for more ideas for how to wear scarves as shirts, dresses and more:

Well, I hope you all got some great ideas for new ways to wear scarves. Check out your favourite thrift shop for some on-trend new looks!



100 Days Sober

*Trigger Warning. Sexual Assault Content * Today I'm 100 days sober. Getting sober has definitely caused me to dig deep, wit...