Monday 29 June 2015

And The Winner Is...

A week ago I offered up an hour of 'Personal Thrift Shopping' with myself as a giveaway.

Today was the draw.

And the winner is....

Melissa Fletcher!

Congratulations Melissa, I SO look forward to shopping with you in any second-hand store(s) of your choice!

Thank-you to all who entered and shared my post!!


Monday 22 June 2015

New Giveaway- An Hour Of 'Personal Thrift Shopping' Time With Yours Truly!

I realized that I hit the 60,000 views on my blog and I hadn't yet considered what my next giveaway would be. I like to have a giveaway every 20,000 views.

At 40,000 views The Edit shop here in Hamilton donated this beautiful Vintage Necklace.

At 20,000 views JustOne donated an item from their gorgeous African accessory line.

Because I didn't think ahead to ask about a donation....I will donate... MYSELF.

For those that are too overwhelmed by even the NOTION of thrifting- I will spend the time to help find items that would work for you.

For those that HAVE thrifted, but never seem to find anything, maybe I have some ideas that you haven't thought of.

For those that are looking for a certain outfit for an event- 2 sets of eyes are better than one!

And for those that just want a girl to go thrift shopping with...I can be that girl! 

Even if you don't want to buy second hand clothing- we could go looking for second hand furniture....or anything second-hand that you'd like!

The winner must live in the Hamilton area, or be willing to travel here.

Simply share this post on any social media site. If we are friends on facebook, tag yourself or someone else in order to nominate that name to go into the draw. If you share on another site, or we are not facebook friends, simply comment in the section below for nominations, and let me know that you've shared .

 Contest will run from today, June 22, to a week from today, June 29.

Good luck and blessings, friends!

Tuesday 16 June 2015

In My Closet- Thrifts Ahoy!

Thrifting one day, this shirt caught my eye. Maybe it was the orange rope, or the overall nautical feeling...I'm not sure. But, I snatched it up and bought it without trying it on.

That was about 10-15 lbs ago. I've been working diligently to lose the last of my baby weight from baby number 3. I did NOT enjoy the way this top seemed to hug my middle when I first bought it, but I hoped that once a few pounds were shed- I would love it.

And happily, now I do.

Nautical Top- $5.99 Salvation Army Thrift Shop
Black Maxi- FREE from last Clothing Swap
White Sweater- FREE castoff from friend
Purse- $5.99 Salvation Army Thrift Shop
Black Flats- $7.99 Value Village
White Beaded Bracelets- JustOne

It's great to have an outfit that cost me less than $20, including accessories! (My JustOne bracelets were a birthday gift).

If you haven't yet, try thifting! I recently did an interview with JustOne on why I only buy second-hand and about my second-hand lifestyle. You can read it here.



Thursday 4 June 2015

Colours I'll be Thrifting For This Summer (2015)

I'm always curious to see what the hot colours are for the season to come. I find the easiest way to find out what those colours will be is to check out Pantone's Colour Report. This year, for spring/ summer the report indicated earthy, airy, colours found in nature.

Now, I am by NO means a slave to fashion, and I MUCH prefer to buy timeless items that I feel good in. But, I also like to add some thrifted items to stay current...and to prove to others that you can live a completely second-hand lifestyle and not look like you are stuck in the last century. ;)

Here are some examples of the colours that liked from the report, and will be looking for while I'm thrifting:


I just love this colour- it reminds me of the crystal clear waters in the Carribean and I am instantly relaxed. I think it really IS a perfect colour for summer.


I have ALWAYS loved orange (tangerine, if you prefer). In grade nine, I wore a pair of baggy orange skater-type jeans, and they were my most FAVOURITE thing ever. Tangerine looks best on sun-kissed skin (but don't forget your SPF!), so again- I think this is a perfect pick for a spring summer colour.

Lucite Green:

This is another beautiful, soft and earthy colour. I'm not someone who EVER buys anything green (seriously- I NEVER have anything to wear on St. Patrick's Day), but I would consider a maxi skirt in this shade. ;)

And The Neutral- Glacier Gray:

It's always nice to use a neutral colour that isn't black. Since that is still pretty much ALWAYS my go-to, I should probably look for at least one gray item this season. I wish I could pull off this silvery hair-colour....maybe AFTER my wedding....

Thanks for reading, I hope this post gives you a little colour inspiration to keep in mind while thifting this summer!


100 Days Sober

*Trigger Warning. Sexual Assault Content * Today I'm 100 days sober. Getting sober has definitely caused me to dig deep, wit...