Friday 26 October 2012

I Couldn't Stop Myself....

Well, I have begun...

I woke up with this sense of urgency to write this blog for some reason. I feel as though I have many blogs that I frequent with great fashion advice for us thrifty gals- but worn with the great second-hand finds are many (fabulous) new items as well.

I wanted to provide a place for those of us- if there ARE any others out there- that choose to purchase ONLY second-hand. From clothing to furniture to all items for the home. For the few things that I do buy new, I choose to buy local or hand-made items.

Why would someone EVER want to do this? Well these are my personal reasons:

* I am a citizen of this earth. As such, I believe that we should compost, recycle, upcycle, do whatever we can to heal this earth that we have hurt for so long. I want to try my best to leave this a better, healthier place for my boys.

* I am a Christian. I believe that we need to be conscious of how our choices in this small section of the world affect our brothers and sisters who live in the large majority of it. I believe that we need to stop demanding that our big box stores provide us with cheaper and cheaper items when it causes pain and suffering to so many in developing nations.

* I am thrifty. Thanks to my mother, I learned early the value of buying an outfit at the local Sally Ann. Not only did I save some money- but I didn't dress like everyone else in Thunder Bay. Being thrifty provides me with a sense of accomplishment and a rush of "I can't believe I got that item at THAT price!!!" feelings. It's better than.....well, I'll let you insert whatever you wish there. Being thrifty also allows me to utilise my talents for goods and services- or bartering. Bartering really is my favourite thing to do because no money needs to be exchanged at all....just be sure that both ends feel that they got a great deal. :)

This is something that I consider to be somewhat of a creed to me:

 Well, that's my rant for today. Now to figure out what I want to do with this space.......


  1. Thank you for the inspiring words. I love the infographic, I think it may be worthy of my bathroom mirror, besides I really don't need to see myself in the morning.... it's be better to start my day with something positive :)

    1. Thanks so much! And I think that's a fabulous idea! :)

  2. Love this! You know I printed that off and put it in my wallet so it's what I see everytime I take out my wallet!

  3. I couldn't agree more. While I'm not committed to buying only used, I am committed to not over-buy and change things (decor, clothing, etc.) just because advertising tells me to. I am appalled by the proliferation of storage units. Thanks for your thoughts.

    1. Thank-you Mary, I applaud you for your commitment against over-consumption!!


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