Wednesday 31 October 2012

On The Hunt For...

Making the decision to buy everything only second-hand a couple of years ago wasn't taken lightly. It wasn't even made quickly. It was more of an organic movement inside myself that I couldn't stop. I knew it wouldn't be easy. There would be no one-stop-shopping. But, once I made the decision, I haven't looked back. And I love everything about it now. 

I thought that it may be fun to post things that I am looking for and then document how long it took me to find them, how many stores I had to go to, etc...

Right now I am on the lookout for:

* Some small wooden blocks for my one-year-old

* Boys winter boots in sizes 7 and 13

* A boy's snowsuit size 5 (or maybe 6)

Let the hunt begin. :)

* Update #1:

Wow, that was fast! I found out that the daycare at my church was giving away a bunch of wooden blocks, and recieved them the very next day.

* Update #2:

Today (Friday November 2) I had some time, so I went into the Bibles for Missions thrift store. I did not find any boots or a snowsuit, but I did grab a few cute shirts to try on:

This H&M blouse was only $4! Didn't love it on me, though.

I really loved this floral top- but it did nothing for me.

This is the one that I left with. This pic really doesn't do it justice. It is really flattering and is nice and long. I'll post a pic of me in it once I get the fashion section underway...hopefully soon....
Black Blouse- $4
Here it is on....cute, huh??

After that, I decided to run into the Value Village on Upper Wellington. JACKPOT! I found the size 7 boots, and a snowsuit.

Boys Coat- $10
Boys Snowpants- $8

Boys Boots- $2.49

AND, it's stamp time again. Fill up a stamp card (every $5 spent gets a stamp) and recieve 30% off your next purchase. Can't beat that.
As for the size 13 boots, my mother just let me know that she picked some up in Thunder Bay and will bringing them down next visit.
Photos to come.

All in all a very successful hunt. And, I found it all within a few days of deciding to look. Now- it doesn't always happen that fast- but for me, the hunt is half the fun!
Total cost of all the items on my list: $20.49
Extras 'stumbled upon': Blouse $4
Happy hunting to all! :)

Tuesday 30 October 2012

More Repurposing Ideas

As I have mentioned before- I LOVE repurposing! I love the creativity behind it. I love the green-ness of it. I love the thrifty-ness of it. I just LOVE it.
Here are some very creative ideas of how to repurpose items that you may have around your home right now. I found these ideas on some of my favourite sites: Pinterest, marYvelous Cakes, & Humblepie- lifestyle concept shop (located on James N).
An old book becomes a functioning clock


Tuna cans become drawer organizers


A plastic water bottle top helps to keep food fresh


 Tic-tac containers become a cute way to keep spices fresh

 A binder clip keeps your beer in place in your fridge

An expired credit card becomes 3 guitar pics (At Humblepie for $3). love.

 By punching some holes in the top, an empty jar becomes a green air freshener

 A fork becomes a curtain tie-back

 A baking tray becomes an adorable calendar

Bundt cake pans become sweet flower lamps

 A wine glass becomes a lamp- at my place it would be turned back into a wine glass frequently

My favourite- a toilet paper roll becomes a small gift box

And, by punching some holes in these small jars, you end up with adorable salt & pepper shakers
Well, that's all for this rainy Tuesday. Stay dry and warm and creative everyone!

Sunday 28 October 2012

Repurposing Items

Bathroom Repurposing Fun

The bathroom is usually such a small space, I find it the easiest place to have a little fun in. I love to find and use things for other purposes than what they were intended for.

For instance, this silver tray and creamer and sugar bowl set became a beautiful spot for my Q-tips and cotton balls.

Tray- thrifted $3
Creamer & Sugar Bowl- thrifted $6 set

This very pretty silver dessert tray became a spot to store my favourite jewelry.

Dessert Tray- thrifted $5

This adorable little cupboard (or maybe it was a spice rack?) became a medicine cabinet.

Cupboard- thrifted $5
*All items were found at Value Village (Hamilton mountain location) over a couple of visits.
Again, if you have something in mind that you are looking for, in my experience, you will find it. Just stay patient, and it- or something even better will catch your eye.
For repurposing items, I generally have to have the time and patience to browse the shelves and let my imagination decide what these treasures could turn out to be in my home. That little cupboard for instance, I have owned for a year. But I loved it dearly and knew that one day I would have a place for it. Then I moved into a home with no medicine cabinet. Divine intervention?.... Perhaps....

Friday 26 October 2012

Around My Home

My $150 Living Room

My Living Room- which is by far my favourite room in my home- was put together when I moved in for about $150. Sound Crazy? Let's see....

Chair- swap with friends for a Chaise that didn't work for me anymore
Desk- freebie
Wardrobe- Kijiji find $20

Futon- freebie
Side Table- thrifted, set of 3 $14.99

Crate, Rooster, Gas Pump- thrifted $3-$5 each

eeeek....didn't realize it was so dusty up there.....

Bookshelf (possibly my favourite find ever)- thrifted $12.99


A photo of Hamilton purchased at an Art Crawl on James Street N. - $10

Bulletin Board- thrifted $5


I love to display my son's art.

Frames- thrifted $5 each


Futon- freebie

Coffee Table- thrifted $10

Pillows, Baskets, Tray, Plant- thrifted + freebies
                    $0- $5 each
Chair with Couch- Swap
Side Table- thrifted, set of 3 $14.99
So, I really do believe that it is safe to say that I furnished this room for around $150. This is not a difficult thing to do, but it does take patience. It can take time to check thrift stores (the BEST in this area for furniture is Rescued and Restored), check and double-check Kijiji, and ask around from friends and family.

I also realize that my decor style is not everyone's cup of tea. and that's ok, too. I love that my home is comfortable and feels lived-in. I love that I'm not worried about my kids ruining anything I own or I don't sweat it if I spill my red wine....  And I love that I can just kick back with some said wine and a library book- or a used CD recently purchased on Amazon- and feel truly blessed.

I hope you all find what you love.

I Couldn't Stop Myself....

Well, I have begun...

I woke up with this sense of urgency to write this blog for some reason. I feel as though I have many blogs that I frequent with great fashion advice for us thrifty gals- but worn with the great second-hand finds are many (fabulous) new items as well.

I wanted to provide a place for those of us- if there ARE any others out there- that choose to purchase ONLY second-hand. From clothing to furniture to all items for the home. For the few things that I do buy new, I choose to buy local or hand-made items.

Why would someone EVER want to do this? Well these are my personal reasons:

* I am a citizen of this earth. As such, I believe that we should compost, recycle, upcycle, do whatever we can to heal this earth that we have hurt for so long. I want to try my best to leave this a better, healthier place for my boys.

* I am a Christian. I believe that we need to be conscious of how our choices in this small section of the world affect our brothers and sisters who live in the large majority of it. I believe that we need to stop demanding that our big box stores provide us with cheaper and cheaper items when it causes pain and suffering to so many in developing nations.

* I am thrifty. Thanks to my mother, I learned early the value of buying an outfit at the local Sally Ann. Not only did I save some money- but I didn't dress like everyone else in Thunder Bay. Being thrifty provides me with a sense of accomplishment and a rush of "I can't believe I got that item at THAT price!!!" feelings. It's better than.....well, I'll let you insert whatever you wish there. Being thrifty also allows me to utilise my talents for goods and services- or bartering. Bartering really is my favourite thing to do because no money needs to be exchanged at all....just be sure that both ends feel that they got a great deal. :)

This is something that I consider to be somewhat of a creed to me:

 Well, that's my rant for today. Now to figure out what I want to do with this space.......

100 Days Sober

*Trigger Warning. Sexual Assault Content * Today I'm 100 days sober. Getting sober has definitely caused me to dig deep, wit...